Tri Delta Swiftie Gets Toronto Life Spotlight
Toronto Alumna Giuliana Sframeli attended SIX of Taylor Swift’s concerts around the world! Her journey through the Eras Tour was featured in Toronto Life magazine. Click HERE to read about her travels and to see more fun photos!
In Memoriam: Jessie Diane (Austin) Follwell
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Jessie DIANE Follwell (nee Austin) on November 12. Diane was a Golden Circle member who joined Tri Delta in 1961. She had just celebrated her 82nd birthday before her peaceful passing at home. Visitation and funeral service will take place at Dixon-Garland Funeral Home on November 20.…
2024 Dorothy Cody Award Nominations
It’s that time of the year when our thoughts turn to Founders’ Day and of course the Dorothy Cody Award! Who will be this year’s recipient? You can help decide by nominating your candidate for “Alumna of the Year.” The ideal Dorothy Cody award winner is someone who has made important contributions to the Alumnae…
LeaDDD Always Initiative
June is a celebratory month. In addition to Father’s Day, many weddings and the Stanley Cup Finals (#LetsGoOilers), June is also when we recognize National Indigenous Peoples Day, Pride and Seniors Month in Ontario. To honour these occasions, I thought I would share how Tri Delta embraces all kinds of diversity. Please click HERE to…
Dearest Deltas, Tuesday, November 14 is Tri Delta’s Day of Giving. I hope you’ll join me in celebrating the difference our sisterhood makes for so many! Our Foundation provides scholarships, educational programming and emergency financial assistance for Tri Deltas in need. Did you know there’s even a scholarship that gives preference to Canadian applicants? Find…
Membership Updates
Welcome back! Remember your collegiate days, your pledgeclass, your graduating class, your best friends. It was in universitythat you met your lifelong friends. Being a Tri Delta doesn’t stopthere, it continues in Alumnae life. Dues cover the Tri Delta financial year:August 1, 2023 – July 31, 2024.$65 for Members$30 for Life Loyal Members$25 for 2023…