Tri Delta Executive

  • Toronto Alumnae Staying ConnecteDDD – Social Media and Canada Alpha’s Birthday

    Hello Sisters!  The executive is excited to be able to share what our local alumnae community has been up to during these times. If you have anything you’d like to share with our community, new skills learned, recipes tried, or crafts and home projects tackled, we want to show them off. Some of our new…

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  • 90th Celebration Luncheon – Revised Plans

    It’s with great sadness that the committee planning the 90th anniversary celebrations has made the decision to cancel the May 2nd Luncheon. During the current pandemic we want to put the safety of our sisters first. In lieu of a gathering we are launching a social media campaign to show out sisters celebrating Canada Alpha’s…

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  • Virgin Cocktail Party 2010

    The collegiate chapter will be hosting our annnual Virgin Cocktail Party on March 1st, 2010. This fundraising event is our biggest event of the year, raising approximately $4000 in roughly 4 hours! There are over 300 guests in attendance; a broad clientele including university students, alumnae, and community members. The theme for this year will…

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  • Initiation Weekend: November 20 & 21

    The collegiate chapter has Initiation weekend on November 20-21.  The Trident Degree is on Friday at 8 P.M. followed the next morning with the S & C Degree at 8 A.M. Alumnae are welcome and encouraged to attend one or both degrees. If you have interest in organizing chapter support for the event (for example, Friday night dinner preparation), please…

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  • Collegiate-Alumnae Tea

    The Collegiate chapter will be hosting the Alumnae for tea and snacks followed by a sisterhood event. The event is at the chatper house on Thursday, October 29 at 6 P.M. I hope to see you there! DL, Jen Collegiate-Alumnae Relations

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  • All-U-Can eat Spaghetti Night!

    All-U-Can eat Spaghetti Night! Monday October 19th, 6-11pm 30 Madison Ave The Tri Delta Collegiate Chapter will be serving up all the spaghetti and meatballs you can eat! We’ve got better, cheaper and more food than East Side Mario’s! Only $10 or $5 with a valid student ID. All proceeds are donated to Children’s Cancer…

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  • Alum Appreciation Pancake Breakfast

    Hello, You are invited to Tridelta’s Alum Appreciation Pancake Breakfast! Details are as follows: Sunday September 13, 2009 11am-1pm at DDD house We will be cooking pancakes and making coffee/treats for all of you! DL, Jordana, CCP

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  • Seeking items for our Founders’ Day Silent Auction

     Once again this year Founders Day will be the site of our now famous silent auction. We welcome all donations from small to big, homemade or store bought, Tridelta related or not. We are asking you to think about who you know and what they might be able to donate to our auction. The more…

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  • Manicures, Martinis and a Movie in Midtown

     Meet up with the Deltas in Midtown this Wednesday Oct 21 for an evening of spoils in support of POGO. The Toronto Alumnae group has pledged to raise $10,000 over 3 years for Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario .  Catch up with your sisters over every woman’s favourite things!Location;  Mani Pedi at 1177 Yonge Street  (Yonge/Summerhill)…

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  • Formal Recruitment! Looking for volunteers and donations

    Formal recruitment is fast approaching and the chapter needs Alumnae assistance behind the scenes! They have asked for a few Alum to help during the regular rounds and will need more to assist the night of Preference for the larger food preparation. If you are available to assist, please contact the chapter at Alternatively,…

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