Calling All Nominations!

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This February 4th at the Annual General Meeting we will be voting on the 2024-26 Toronto Alumnae Executive committee. The positions of President, Vice-President and Treasurer are to be voted on and the rest of the positions and committees are appointed. Members must be dues paying members to vote.

We are always looking for volunteers to help on committees. These positions are social, social media, newsletter editor, secretary, collegiate-alumnae, membership, Panhellenic, data base, philanthropy and young alumnae representative. Please consider joining, as it is such a great experience and you meet so many new members of all generations.  The more the merrier!! You can email me  if you are interested in any of those positions.

Nominations are due by  Sat. Jan .20  to Michelle Mercer at

The slate will be presented by the nominating committee on Sunday Feb. 4 at the AGM. The nominating committee will meet and then put together the slate.

Please consider nominating yourself or another member for any of these positions, voted or not. It is such a rewarding experience and lots of fun!

Michelle Mercer

(Nominating Committee Chair Person)

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