Collegiate Chapter Report
The sisters of Canada Alpha have been super busy this summer, but the bonds of sisterhood never end! Here are some of the highlights:
On May 30, 1930 Delta Delta Delta founded Canada Alpha at the University of Toronto, making it an international sorority. On May 30, 2013 we crafted party hats and baked cupcakes to celebrate 83 years of sisterhood.
On Saturday, June 22nd, a team of 14 sisters ran the Color Me Rad 5K race in support of Big Brothers Big Sisters Toronto. Our goal was to raise $500, but by race day, we had collected $1,085! Special thanks to Walter Cimowsky – Ocean Partners, Ltd., Bob Atkinson, Carrie Illsley, Katherine McDonald, Ksenija Stupar, AOII Beta Tau Team, Martin Kotowych, Daniel Prelich, Lindsay Marino, Caitlin Cimowsky, Lydia Oliverio, Connor Cimowsky, Katey Bunting, Emily Yu Feng, Jessica Calhoun, Krystal Mercer, Lisa Thomson, Kelsey Cole, Clara Mitchell, Judy Atkinson, and Tara Sinclair, who all contributed to helping us go above and beyond our goal!
From August 9th -11th, we had our annual summer retreat in Bobcaygeon where we were able to prepare for the upcoming school year. During the day we primarily focused on chapter business and officer leadership roles, and at night we bonded over bonfires and s’mores. Thanks to Caitlin Cimowsky, our VP/Administration, for organizing and hosting us during the weekend!
We have also been hard at work preparing for recruitment which will take place September 19th-22nd! The VP/Membership, Clara Mitchell, is asking alumnae interested in volunteering during recruitment to please email We can’t wait to introduce you to our new girls!
If you wish to see photos of our activities and bonding, please feel free to check out our website, follow the tag #DDDSummer on Twitter and Instagram, and follow us on Twitter @TriDeltaUofT. We are all looking forward to an exciting and new school year!
Delta Love,
Clara Mitchell
V/P Membership, Canada Alpha
& Giovanna Campagna
V/P Public Relations, Canada Alpha
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