As you may know, paid-up members of the Toronto Alumnae Chapter receive a free subscription to this website, including timely newsflashes for big events like Founders’ Day.
Every year, our Treasurer sends me an updated list of paid-up members, and I will go through the FeedBlitz-powered subscription list and prune out the ones who did not pay their dues and add in new paid-up members.
Of course, at any time, subscribers can change their e-mail address on the list through their FeedBlitz subscription options, using the links at the bottom of each FeedBlitz e-mail. This ability ensures you don’t miss a thing!
If you change addresses and do not “tell” FeedBlitz, you will be automatically deleted from the subscriber list. But FeedBlitz will not automatically inform me of these deletions or of bounce backs.
If you are no longer receiving a subscription and have paid your dues, this is probably why. (Or it may be sitting in your SPAM box!)
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