I’ve long enjoyed photography as a hobby, in the last couple of years with a Nikon Coolpix S2 (a point and shoot) and a Nikon D80 SLR, both digital cameras. But this past week I’m turning it from not just a hobby, but to a business as well.
Today, I’m pleased to announce the opening of my new CafePress.com shop at CafePress.com/ShireenJ. I call my shop Points North Studio, after my Flickr name (Flickr is a photo sharing website). I’ve found CafePress very helpful whenever I’ve had to call them while trying to create products, I’m impressed that they test all their products for quality, and I’ve heard good things from people who’ve ordered from them.
I’ve created a few products to begin with: T-shirts featuring my popular morning rose or a playful dog, a journal with the CN Tower soaring up its cover, three types of calendars including one featuring Toronto, Christmas greeting cards and ornaments, and a birthday card featuring a jaunty yellow crocus. I am regularly adding to the shop as I familiarize myself with creating products. CafePress provides the ability to open up more than one shop; if, for example, people want to see more greeting cards, I’ll open up new shops to showcase new card designs.
I invite you to check it out, e-mail me your comments, spread the word, and please shop!
P.S. If you have member news, please submit it so that we can tell our Tri Delta sisters through this website. We’d love to read about it!
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