Welcome Sisters and Friends of Delta Delta Delta!
The Toronto Alumnae Chapter of Tri Delta is a thriving and active group of women who work and play with members of both the collegiate chapter of Canada Alpha and the local chapter of Psi Psi Psi, the mother sorority of Tri Delta. As friends, mothers and daughters, sisters in Tri Delta, we gather together regularly to host popular social events, welcome new members, celebrate our fraternity’s founding, and raise funds.
This website is brand new and is under construction. Check back often to see what’s been added as we populate this site with features and information. Already, we’ve linked to alum chapters and have started blogging on Tri Delta events in Toronto.
A Letter from our Past President
Welcome Sister Deltas!
In an effort to expand member outreach, the Toronto alumnae executive, lead by Shireen Jeejeebhoy’s handy internet-savvy skills, has come together to bring you this website. Our aim is to keep you up to date on what your chapter and its members are up to.
Take a look around and find out about upcoming events and read about recent ones.
The website will not only focus on Tri Delta events, but will also be a portal to get the word out about individual DDD successes –- just got promoted? Had a baby? Bought your first home? Just retired? Won an award? Starting up a small business? We want to know!
As a bonus, paid-up members of the Toronto Alumnae Chapter will receive a free subscription, quarterly newsletter, and their website or blog listed on this site. Let us help you promote yourself!
Delta Love,
Past President, Toronto Alumnae Chapter