
  • Meet and Greet – September 27, 2013

    New Member Meet and Greet September 27, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. On Friday September 27, 2013 the alumnae executive invites you to a “Meet and Greet” night at the chapter house.  Come out and meet the new members following recruitment!  The event starts at 6:00 p.m. Light refreshments and hors d’oeuvres will be provided, along…

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  • Careers Night

    Careers Night! On Monday March 25th at 7:00pm, the alumnae and collegiate chapter will be hosting careers night. We would love to have alumnae guest speakers discuss their different career paths. The girls are interested in hearing about the job hunt process, where to go from undergrad, your experiences etc. It is on Monday March…

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  • Reminder – HC AGM This Wednesday

    Dearest Deltas, Just a reminder that the House Corporation AGM is scheduled for this Wednesday.  Please click HERE for more details and to RSVP. Hope to see you there! Delta Love, Carly

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  • Reminder: RSVP for AGM & Cocktail Party

    Dearest Deltas, I would like to invite you to RSVP for our pre-Valentine’s Day, “Delta Love”-themed Annual General Meeting and Cocktail Party.  It’s a fun, relaxed, after-work event that is conveniently located on the Yonge Subway line.  Come hear about future activities and bring your ideas on how to strengthen our seventy-seven year-old alumnae chapter.…

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  • “Delta Love” Cocktail Party & AGM

    The Toronto Alumnae Chapter cordially invites all alumnae members in good standing to attend the Annual General Meeting & Cocktail Party. If you haven’t yet paid your dues for 2012-2013, it’s not too late! Please do so via our website, i.e. on the right side of this page, so that you can join us for…

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  • Member Event: Book Launch

    I’ve edited the book launch event for Concussion is Brain Injury on December 14th to reflect the new RSVP date. I hope that you can join me there!

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  • Meet and Greet – Oct. 4, 2012

    New Member Meet and Greet Oct. 4, 2012 at 7 p.m. On Thursday October 4, 2012 the alumnae executive invites you to a “Meet and Greet” night at the chapter house. Come out and meet the new members following recruitment! The event starts at 7:00 p.m. Light refreshments and hors d’oeuvres will be provided, along…

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  • Grad Tea & Circle Ceremonies at the King Edward

    Women are like tea bags, they don’t know how strong they are until they get into hot water. (Eleanor Roosevelt) The Toronto Alumnae Chapter of Delta Delta Delta requests the pleasure of your company at our Grad Tea & Circle Ceremonies Sunday, May 6, 2012 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. King Edward Hotel The Lobby Lounge…

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  • Happy New Year!

    Eat less. Exercise more. Worry less. Sleep more. We have the best of intentions when we make our resolutions every year on December 31st. Of course, as I type this on Orthodox Christmas, most of us have already broken the promises we made to ourselves just a week ago. Luckily, we have another shot at…

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  • Dorothy Cody Award Nominations

    Each year at Founders’ Day, the Toronto Alumnae Chapter presents the Dorothy Cody Award to a member who represents Tri Delta’s precepts and values. Dorothy Cody was both an alumna and a Tri Psi. She was very involved in working with the collegiate chapter and was the treasurer of House Corp for several years. Dorothy…

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