Collegiate Recruitment Update

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Our recruitment period for 2008 has officially come to an end. We are proud to say that we got 13 wonderful new sisters, who we are thrilled about!!! With the leadership of our V.P. Membership Vanessa LeBouthillier, and the recruitment workshops and planning sessions that took place over the summer- all our hard work paid off!


Going into recruitment, we had 35 collegiate members. Campus total is now 40, and any house is allowed to exceed campus total only through formal recruitment. With our 13 new members, that brings our house total to 48 women!! We also got two Tri Delta legacies through recruitment, which is very exciting- Martha Parker and Sarah Driscoll! We are currently the biggest house on campus, and this also means that we do not have to recruit for the rest of the year, nor do we have to host a spring initiation. We can now focus on other goals, such as sisterhood and philanthropy. Many of the other sororities on campus also had a successful recruitment period, with almost every house reaching quota.


We would like to thank all the Alumni that supported us along the way. None of this could have been possible without your help! Thanks again and we really hope to see you all at our future Tri Delta events!


Delta Love,


Lydia Oliverio

Collegiate-Alumnae Relations

The Pearls on Bid Day!
The Pearls on Bid Day!


One response to “Collegiate Recruitment Update”

  1. Beth (Brewer) Parker Avatar

    Congratulations! Especially to legacy, Martha – my daughter!

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